Student loans: -$80,880.95 (+551.43)
Car loan: $0.
Revolving Credit card debt: $0.
Net debt: -$80,880.95
I'll give up on my Alexa rating for now. It's a bit depressing to see it continually worsen. Anyway, as of late, I've been reading a few financial books, right now next to my nightstand is "Smart Couples Finish Rich" by David Bach and "The Millionaire Next Door" by Thomas Stannley and William Danko. I'm also trying to write up a review for "The Automatic Millionaire" by David Bach as well. I can't express my sorrow for being so lame on this blog lately. It's been amazing how busy I've been. But here's some good news!
I still have an colossal amount of debt, however it's been a pretty linear paying everything off and if I keep up, in under 6 years I should break even in my debt. I've also set up a few goals for myself. This coming Spring I will become a PhD student (assuming the university accepts me) and with that in mind, my job may be slightly more risky since they don't necessarily support it 100%. As such, I'm saving up 6 months of expenses and also trying to save up for a car. My current car has been a little bit erratic with not accepting gas (what kind of car doesn't like gasoline!?!?), idling gone wrong (cleaned the throttle body and that helped but still acts up), and much more. Ideally, I'll have enough saved to pay outright when the time comes. Otherwise, I'll keep that money for other big expenses that come along without dipping into the e-fund.
Other than that, things are going great! Work has been keeping me busy, but I'm still able to read and get some things done outside of work. We had a great time with some friends recently. Invited them over for a big Asian night. We made sushi and meso soup, they brought over dumplings and bubble tea. A great time for a cheap time with friends. After the fact I was thinking it would have been really great to watch bad kungfu movies, but we actually only played card games.