Thursday, October 4, 2012

Net Debt - October 2012

Student loans: -$81,318.21 (-$2,710.61)
Car loan: $0
Revolving Credit card debt: $0.
Mortgage: -$135,393.86   (+$212.22)
Total Debt: -$216712.07 214,213.68 (-2,498.39)

After some further digging around, it seems that one of my student loans have jumped up about $2,700 for no known reason. The only reason I can think of is that I've received a letter stating my loan was sold to another company. I'll have to get back to everyone on this next time around to see if this is the source of the spike.  But this is why it's so important to keep on top of your loans and see what's going on with them all!

We're still plugging away putting money away on the student loan, about $100 a month which isn't much right now, but it all helps and I can't wait until the day it is all done and gone!

Last month we were saving for a new garage door opener from amazon, the Chamberlain Whisper Drive Garage Door Opener.  And last month, I found a rock thrown at our car while it was parked in the driveway and while I'm sure it was an accident, the dent is small in the side of the car and wasn't seemed to be aimed at a window to steal things, I decided to push forward the savings and do with what we had and I'll try to offset the rest later. So in the few month experiment, we were able to save $164.93 ($124.93 from CC rewards and $40 from surveys). And I'm confident I could have saved maybe an extra $10-20 more if I was more active with the surveys, however, I was overworked and didn't have the time to continue.  The end result is that the opener actually cost $248, so we 2/3 of the cost in a relative short period, which isn't too bad I think.  In the next week or so I'll install it and we should be good to go!

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